Moving Along the Digital Demand Curve: Lead Generation Trends to Follow in 2019

Written by Sharoon Emmanuel

Most part of marketing revolves around capturing leads, which is quite legit; no leads and hence no sales. Similar to how the previous year’s calendar changed, doing away with obsolete practices of lead generation is equally important. Lead generation methods and strategies for the previous year definitely need to be upscaled in order to stay competitive in the business landscape. 

By accelerating lead generation efforts, businesses can quadruple their numbers but the question is how they’ll be able to up their game? what trends do they need to follow and what’s critical for capitalizing on lead generation and potential sales?

With the unceasing changes in the digital ecosystem, reconsidering lead generation methods every year is vital to ensure success. By working your way with new technologies, strategies, approaches and tactics, businesses can not only forecast better results but can actually end up closing big.

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So without further ado, let’s get down to the innovative lead generation trends businesses need to follow in 2019.

Account-Based Marketing Adoption

The account-based marketing strategy or ABM ensures growth by focusing on best-fit customers. ABM centers more on quality rather than quantity and is more target-based instead of inbound. The AMB strategy demands the identification of best prospects for developing customized campaigns for each segment. Though being new, mass ABM adoption is expected to take place to increase success rates of lead generation campaigns.

Behavioral Intelligence

Businesses should go ahead and observe the digital body language of each of their pages and understand how visitors act. By uncovering behavioral insights, businesses can optimize their digital entities to ensure an enhanced user experience.

Based on insights and video recordings collected from click mapping, heat mapping, attention mapping and scroll mapping, intelligent business decisions and plans can be devised.

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Smart Segmentation & Personalization

To increase lead generation rates, businesses need to play smart with segmentation and personalization. Targeting people based on their interests, position at the buyer’s journey and personas will increase chances of generating leads by up to 40%. The main driver of segmentation & personalization is the increasing focus on customer experience.

A recent study by Walker Information reveals that by 2020, customer experience is predicted to outweigh the significance of price as a brand differentiator.

Improved Email Marketing

Email marketing has been the top source for collecting leads and offers the highest ROI owing to lower setup cost. Though the impact of email marketing has remained positive over time, the strategies used are constantly changing. As per a recent survey by MailChimp, more audience segmentation translates to nearly 60% more opens and eventually more leads.

As we enter the new year, the prominence of segmentation will continue to increase as email marketing is now becoming smarter and businesses are able to deliver individualized content to a shortlisted audience for increased engagement.

Voice Search Integration

Due to the rise of personal assistants such as Amazon Echo, Google Home and Siri, voice search is turning out to be a popular method of search. ComScore reveals that by 2020, 50% of online searches will be voice, therefore, brands need to be prepared for the future.

By optimizing websites and content for voice searches in such a way that it mimics real speech patterns with long-tail keywords will increase lead generation for those utilizing voice search.

In 2019, businesses should start working on making their content more conversational that is coherent with the conversational keyword phrases of their audience’s language.

Conversational Marketing

The popularity of chatbots has taken conversational marketing to an all-new level. Studies show that responding a lead within five minutes’ increases chances of future engagement by up to 10 times. In 2019, businesses should incorporate chatbots in all operations to seamlessly connect prospects with sales teams and to cater concerns right at the spot.

Today, you’ll find that most websites have a live chat widget on their website. This is to decrease lead time and to capture information instantly with the promise of addressing queries and concerns.

Related: - Chatbot development services in Dubai

Page-Level Targeting

Among the top lead generation trends for 2019, targeting your visitors to page level carries chief importance. Creating certain pages that appeal to a specific set of an audience will help you deliver the message more efficiently to interested prospects.

Narrowing down audience will also help in marketing automation and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). Segmented audience having customized content, CTAs, or any other piece of relevant information at their disposal allows them to engage and act thus aiding to lead generation initiatives.

Also, businesses can optimize their digital entities based on behaviors and IP addresses to ensure relevant interaction at all times. Plus, an automated email sequence can be put in play to further enhance the customer experience.

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Influencer Marketing

Businesses are now partnering up with relevant influencers in order to extend their reach and gain an authentic voice in front of their target audience. Apple, for example, recently partnered with Ijustine (YouTuber) to promote their air pods.

Influencer marketing is expected to gain more popularity and we expect more industry leaders making allies with social celebs to promote their products and services.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is undoubtedly taking over most forms of lead generation initiatives as it encourages quicker action by engaging and stimulating sentiments i.e. addressing pain points. Be it consulting videos, how to guides, webinars, live streams, demos, and what not, video marketing outsmarts it all. According to a recent study by Aberdeen Group, it was revealed that 66% more qualified leads were achieved via video.

HubSpot’s recent survey also shows that 81% of businesses are now utilizing video as a marketing tool owing to its positive impact on traffic and sales. Moreover, HubSpot revealed that 75% of video marketing adopters believe it to be successful by all means.

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We hope that this post will help you align your lead generation strategies for 2019. If you’re not getting the time to strategically revamp your campaigns, then feel free to refer to our marketing strategy services. 

Originally Published February 26, 2019 02:00 AM, Updated November 24, 2021.

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