Top 5 Marketing Trends Every Marketer Should Be Aware of in 2020

Written by Safeer ur Rehman

With digital landscape continuously evolving, it’s more important now than ever before to think and strategize ahead if you want your business to be relevant through this evolutionary process. If you are not asking yourself Questions like, which digital platforms are going to be more popular and relevant for your business in the near future? And what content strategy should you adopt for the coming years? Then you certainly need to rethink your priorities because long gone are the days when you could simply rank your business using popular keywords.

So, we are going to address the above questions while discussing the top 5 digital marketing trends in 2020 and beyond.

1 Facebook would keep its neck but lose its throne

This may seem like big talk but before you jump to conclusions, hear this out. While the social media giant is one of the first names that pop in mind when we talk about digital marketing and is far from struggling, 41% of its users are over the age of 65 according to a survey conducted by Forbes. This means two things.

1.       The platform is losing its grip on the younger population aka generation Z that is hooked on visual content.

2.       Facebook may no longer be the platform with the most users a decade from now.

So, when we say think ahead, it means that you need to start moving your eggs to other baskets.

2 Think visual, think Instagram

Now we are not the only visionaries here, a platform as big as Facebook had probably seen it coming, which is why they acquired Instagram to ensure that they stayed relevant among newer generations. Not only is it one of the most rapidly growing social media platforms but most of its user base happens to be under the age of 30. So, the next time you are planning your social media content calendar, make it more insta-centric.

3 Invest in a ChatBot

A bot may sound like something that gets blocked by the search engines and certain websites due to security concerns but on the contrary, this is one bot that may want to consider investing in. Chatbots have been dominating the customer service and if you aren’t already using one, you are missing out on a lot.

From scheduling appointments to placing orders and assisting the customers with valuable information, Chatbots offer personalized experience to customers with an incredibly high precision. It’s easy to see why, 80% of the businesses are interested in using the Chatbots this year because:

They offer 24/7 customer support

Respond instantly to customers

Can significantly cut down on costs associated with customer service

Besides, it’s more convenient to simply message a chatbot for an instant response instead of trying to get a hold of a customer service representative on the phone which involves following several annoying instructions and a long wait before you can ask for the information you are seeking.

4 The Power of Video Marketing

When was the last time that you wanted to buy something and ended up watching a video of it before ordering? It happens more often than we think. According to wyzowl ( 72% of businesses say, video marketing has increased their conversion rate. With people consuming more video content than ever before it is no longer an option for the businesses to promote their product and services through video marketing rather it is an absolute necessity.

Don’t take my word for it, but when a giant like Facebook and other social media platforms design their algos to give preference to the video content, you have got to pay attention. The thirst for video is only going to grow over time and that is exactly what platforms like twitch and TikTok are capitalizing on.

5 Make your content count

Content without context is like a body without soul especially after the Google’s BERT update in November 2019. The search engine giant has developed algorithm that helps it get a better understanding of natural language. The platform itself now advises the marketers to write good quality content with a clearer user intent instead of chasing the latest SEO trends.

The world of digital marketing is evolving fast. There are a few other key trends like voice search, augmented reality and interactive content that also need to be considered while planning your marketing strategy.


Originally Published August 13, 2020 02:00 PM, Updated August 27, 2020.

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