Here are some key strategies to organically rank your content on the search engines

Written by Safeer ur Rehman

It’s about time we move past the debate whether to focus our energies and resources on paid marketing or are they better spent on organic SEO. Let’s face it, they both reap different results and both have their own pros and cons. Speaking of the organic growth, there are no two opinions about content being the king and acquiring external links is the best way to not just grow your traffic but also increase your conversion rate by getting the right traffic to land on your website.

So, here are 3 tips to acquire quality links for more traffic

Keep it original

While content is the king in organic SEO, originality is the heart and soul of organic marketing. Search engines have long been encouraging businesses to create original content which is no secret right? But what kind of content are we looking at if we want to get some quality backlinks from high DA websites? Well, one of the best ways to subtly incorporate a link into your content is to publish your own research. No matter how big or small the research is, it’s always a good idea to introduce some original statistics in your content that would benefit the readers.

Even something as simplistic and basic as your findings about AB testing from a paid campaign or some regional traffic statistics could help you achieve that.

Do you even list?

A recent study by BuzzSumo concluded that a whopping 75% of the online content gets ZERO links aka it gets ignored and thrown at the bottom. But here is the silver lining, the remaining content that usually gets picked up and linked by the high DA websites has certain formats i.e.

  • List posts
  • Quizzes
  • “Why” Posts
  • “How to” Posts
  • Infographics
  • Videos

Now before you get all excited, it’s important to note that these formats certainly have proven out to be the winners but such list posts also need to have extraordinary content in them if you want them to rank.

Create ultimate guides

How likely are you to look up an old news/update that you have already heard or read about and has become irrelevant from the SEO perspective? Unless you work for an investigation agency that is working on a certain case, it is unlikely that you would revisit an old, outdated news/update. This is where the “evergreen Content” comes in.

It is a form of content that remains relevant no matter how long ago it was written or how old it gets. Unless there is a ground breaking update on the subject for which you have published an “ultimate guide”, you are going to get its link juice for a long time. Optimizing this sort of content for SEO with the right keywords would not just boost your search rankings but it also has a bunch of other benefits including and improved domain authority.

While there are several other ways to rank your website and increase the digital footprint, the above strategies have been tried and tested by several businesses who have reaped benefits in terms of an increased traffic and conversion rate. If you are looking to get ahead of your competition and rank it in the digital arena then Bester Capital Media offers a complete range of SEO services under a single roof.

Related: SEO Services In UAE

Originally Published August 6, 2020 02:00 PM, Updated August 7, 2020.

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