Web Development Guide: 3 Basic Factors to Consider for Creating a Strong Digital Presence

Written by Sharoon Emmanuel

In the digital age of today, web development isn’t just confined to pasting some images & content onto a web page, it is much more. Modern websites despite being visually appealing, intuitive and interactive, have to follow strict User Interface/User Interface guidelines to cash in customers & lead you to potential clients.

Rather than firing up your visitors with massive explanations of everything, one has to comply with the KISS formula (Keep it Simple Stupid) where everything is available right where the customer wants them to be. It is not about being wrong or right, it is all about adding to the convenience of your visitor.

When you rely on a more structured approach for your website, it can become a beastly powerful marketing tool, helping you in your long-term optimization strategy. Embedding a strong online presence is one of the most important things you ought to do when building trust instantly when someone finds you in the digital hemisphere.

Starting off with a Quality Website

When constructing a building, one is always concerned about the foundations of it and the same case applies to web development. In order to etch your image in your visitor’s mind, you must develop a seamless yet optimized online experience.

Consider these 3 Basic Factors for Creating a Strong Digital Presence

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The Basics

  • First off, define the purpose of your site. Identify whether it is a simple informational site, a news website, an online store, a hobby blog, a community space for visitors to interact, or a hybrid of all these to get it developed accordingly. Different digital entities have different requirements, therefore, it is important to get the development done as needed.


  • Know your target audience and learn about what is important to them? To do that, think like your visitors when you're visualizing your website. Spend some time to jot down the unique factors you should have regarding your online presence.


  • The next question you should ask yourself is what should it look like? Working with a professional UI/UX team is definitely going to make a big difference in the long run. Your website should incorporate all your branding materials and identity collateral. Study a bit about the use of certain colors & fonts as they have physiological effects on a person. The appearance matters a lot – you literally have a couple of seconds to impress someone. Moreover, there should be least number of clicks between arriving on your site and being able to perform an action. Also, the navigation counts, don’t get your visitors lost in the digital dungeon. 


  • As most people are online over their mobile devices, it is important that a website should be mobile responsive. As of 2015, the number of searches done on mobile devices has exceeded than that of desktops and laptops. So, your website needs to look awesome and function well on all types of screens. Being mobile responsive help you a lot in your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well.


  • One of the most important factors while considering web development in UAE is your budget. This is where it gets a bit tricky, so always be realistic when establishing a budget. Defining your requirements, based on your business model, will help scope the site and define the budget. Your website is an important investment in your business and you may want to consider a well-scrutinized approach for its development.

To be honest, custom-developed sites will enable the most flexibility both in terms of appearance and functionality. E-commerce sites can cost a lot to develop, whereas, on the other hand, a basic informational site won’t be as expensive to develop. Generally speaking, the functionality of the website will dictate the cost.

However, if you have a budget constraint, you always ask a skilled developer to set you up with a pre-built CMS (Content Management System).


The Functionality

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  • A website can have various functionalities depending upon its nature as well as its target audience. To create an enthralling digital experience, the functionality of your website should be defined by the purpose of the site (i.e. product purchase, reservation making, company profile information, form submission etc.)


  • If your website’s content needs to be frequently changed then you should ask your developer to develop a user-friendly back-end for it as well. You should be able to make the changes with least effort without having to do much of the technical stuff.


  • Have your developer optimize the Decision-Making Process as it will go a long way in terms of converting your visitors. Ask them to use vectors or signs to denote certain actions and make the process as simple as possible. It shouldn’t be more than 3 steps otherwise you’ll end up losing most of your leads. Quicker action means more visitors & more visitors translate into more customers.



The Content

Once you've decided what your website is going to do and how is it going to look like, your next area of concern should be content.

  • Talk to the point & keep it concise yet meaningful. Follow the rule” less is more”.
  • Keep it accessible & make it understandable. You’ll be getting all types of traffic, therefore, your message should appeal your target audience.
  • Make use of high-resolution images that are relevant to tell your story.
  • Be sure to provide all ways to contact your business.
  • Make a list of links of pages & craft content for them.
  • Use your branding material wherever feasible for brand recall.
  • Utility pages & product should be prepared in advance.

Website development takes planning, time and most of all- effort. Knowing what exactly the site should do, who will maintain it, the audience visiting and what functions it should perform is important to not only help you build a site that works for you but also to enhance your business both in tangible and intangible terms.

Establishing a strong web presence in UAE isn’t a piece of cake considering the enormous amount of competition out there. However, if you are looking for an award winning agency in UAE to take care of your company’s web development, then BCM is the best place to consult.

In order to book your free appointment,  shoot us a mail at info@bestercapitalmedia.com  or give us a call on +971 (0)4 338 882. Our courteous representatives will be more than happy to help you out.


Originally Published December 30, 2018 01:00 PM, Updated February 18, 2019.

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